IDE for C++ in linux

Previously I used to use GEDIT and terminal for manually compiling C/C++ code. Next I got tired of it, and put together a small script that would take a file name and compile it. But still running the compiled code was pain.
So I decided to get an IDE. First tried QTCreator. Turned out, it can't do plain C++ code.
So next I did a journey to find a better IDE.

1. Anjuta: Official Gnome IDE. I used this 6-7 years back and back then it was very feature limited and things did not work all that well. Now though I installed it and the hello world program compiled fine and ran. Only dependency was on glib for which I installed libglib2.0-dev package and go! Don't know about debugging or other stuff.

2. Next installed codelite 2: Install and config was fine. It asked for plugin selection. I installed only enough plugins for C++ use case. Then coding. IDE is quite good. It detected GCC and compiled the hello world program. But it could not run the executable. Kept giving return 1. Then I found out it was internally referring to x-terminal-emulator which was set to QTerminal. So I apt-removed QTerminal. Then x-terminal-emulator vanished. And so got new error 127 in output window in CodeLite. Thinking it hopeless I gave up.

3. I started code::blocks. It looked similar to CodeLite. But it worked. Weird thing. It worked completely fine. The output window was a popup and looked old school but worked fine. Did not try debugger.

Hmm. After using code::blocks for a while, I think I am sold. It looks fine, behaves well, has not yet crapped out on me (in my limited usage). So I think I'll be using this as my main IDE now.


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