A broken mouse, a broken soldier and tale of rotten wires

It's a really funny tale. What happened was like this - my laptop's touch-pad does not work. So I use an ancient Microsoft mouse or I used to! The mouse's left button was finicky for a while. And yesterday it decided to die. 
I being the adventurous all-repair guy, decided to use a old soldier I had to rewire the mouse. I thought I could melt out the dead button and replace it with the middle click one. It's just two soldier points on the PCB. Well, after turning on the soldiering iron, it shorted out in 2 minutes. 
Hmm. I took out the screw-driver and opened it. Turns out the wires were not copper or aluminum but were probably iron!!! And were completely rotten out!! WTF!!! After cussing for two minutes, I remembered having an old laptop adapter cable which I could reuse. 
After half an hour of messing with pliers, connections and everything I managed to get the iron working again without the little light inside, because I broke the resistor connecting the light. Anyway the iron was functional and I tried to take out the buttons. Turns out this pithy soldier was not enough. But I kept trying. And after about 4-5 minutes of hassling with it, the soldiering iron just broke apart!!! Grrr!!!
Well, for me that was enough - so I just picked up the broken soldiering iron and the broken mouse and threw them in trash. I remembered to save the good old cable. Might come in handy in future. 
Going to have to get a new mouse now!


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