
I have so far never messed up with GPIO's. I have a raspberry Pi. But I almost always used it as a desktop computer and never as an embedded device.
Anyway so this development ended up in my lap as we re-implemented the general purpose IO functionality in one of the new products at the current employer. And then it was proposed to use libgpiod. Turns out the library was quite easy to use.
But then came time to test it. And first thing I got stuck was trying to find out which gpio devices or chipnames I have available. Few google searches confused me even more. Anyway after fiddling a bit here and there, I ended up with an option to try and access the actual prototypes. The device I had used a slightly different yocto SDK and the newer device just had a different libc version.
After struggling for a while to sort out the errors, I thought of compiling the libgpiod library using the old device SDK. Turns out it needs autotools, which we don't have in the SDK. That put a hard-stop to my testing.
Overall for just some stupid conclusions I wasted a bunch of time. Cheers!!


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