Firefox on Raspbian

Recently I noticed that I'm using Chromium a lot even though I have Firefox installed. The reason turned out is the browser shortcut on panel. Anyway I fiddled a bit with panel and got Firefox there too. 
Then came usage. Turned out I needed few addons. First came Adblocking. Then h264ify for youtube on raspberry pi. Then after using this setup for 15 mins I found out google sites don't work. Hmm, bit of googling and then another add-on "User agent switcher" fixed this. 
Hmm I thought now things would be great. But I was sorely mistaken. Because my RPi3B+ hanged in next 15 mins and I lost this post - which I was typing in Text Editor. And I had to restart it manually. Sucks. 
So I think for web browsing on RPi3 I'm going for Chromium only. 


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