Visual Studio VC++, C code, and slow claps

Well, since these days the only thing I do with my home laptop is watch a shitload of movies and TV Shows, I don't have anything to share about my adventures right now. But in my office work, I'm facing much adventures. So this is a story about that.
I am an embedded programmer these days. Yeah, it is a far cry from the server to desktop coder I worked as few years back. But I want to stick around in my current company and besides it pays the bills ( and EMIs and few shouks that I have). Anyway so I was given a task to run the embedded C code on Desktop and that also on Windows. Now we have an allegory - windows means Visual Studio. So because of this I have a VS2012 install lying about on my Windows partition of office laptop. So I created a branch of the main embedded code. And then created a project in VS2012, and imported existing files. And start compiling...
It was really frustrating. On first compile I got roughly 3000 errors. By next day I had fixed almost all the issues. And only about 200 warnings remained. I would otherwise have left them as it is, but we have 0 warning policy so another day spent cleaning up the code. Then I compared this modified code with the original code base and spent half-a-day removing clunky code. And so my SIMULATION base was ready.
For last 2-3 days I'm testing the features one by one for runtime issues. Also making changes wherever needed, and overall improving the code base. I also managed to hit upon 2-3 bugs regarding memory overflow/corruption which went undetected in the embedded code since there's no memory check at runtime. Overall tiring but at the same time exciting time!!!


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