Shifting full time to 64-bit

Hmmm. This one has been on the stove for a long time. But I just didn't have the time. Finally though this week I got some free time to perform some much needed system maintenance and so I downloaded Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS 64-bit ISO, used Usb-creator to create a bootable USB and installed it on a partition holding 10.04.1 Ubuntu.

Right now I'm installing all the required programs, servers and what not. I think it will be a week by the time I fully shift to this 64-bit Ubuntu.

Update 21 10 2012: I have ended up with a botched install of Elementary Daily Build; small relief is that the desktop is working but remastersys is unable to create proper ISO's. I think the nvidia driver is to blame, but I'll try to work through this. If it works then fine else I'll have to restart with a stock daily build. (Groans!!!!)

Update 2 23 10 2012: Okay, finally I have readied the new system last night. And I think it's running beautifully. So I'll test it for a week or so and then get back here to share my experiences in the review post! I know that's been pending for what seems like forever!!!


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