QCalendarWidget CSS Stylesheeting

Recently I had to implement a calendar for a TouchScreen application. I resorted to css to modify the
calendar widget's appearance so that it would be more accessible.
Following is the code that enabled me to get a proper calendar.

calendar->setStyleSheet("QMenu { font-size:20px; width: 300px; left: 20px; }"

    "QToolButton {icon-size: 48px, 48px; font: 20px; height: 70px; width: 100px; }"

    "QAbstractItemView {selection-background-color: rgb(255, 174, 0);}"

    "QToolButton::menu-indicator{ width: 50px;}"


    "QToolButton::menu-indicator:open{ top:10px; left: 10px;}"

    "QTableView { font: 30px; }"

    "QSpinBox { width: 100px; font: 20px;}"

    "QSpinBox::up-button { width:40px;}"

    "QSpinBox::down-button { width:40px;}");


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