
Showing posts from February, 2013


Forgot to put "&" in front of a line in /etc/rc.local and that caused rc.local to hang, which caused no X server! Awesome goofup!

QCalendarWidget CSS Stylesheeting

Recently I had to implement a calendar for a TouchScreen application. I resorted to css to modify the calendar widget's appearance so that it would be more accessible. Following is the code that enabled me to get a proper calendar. calendar->setStyleSheet("QMenu { font-size:20px; width: 300px; left: 20px; }"     "QToolButton {icon-size: 48px, 48px; font: 20px; height: 70px; width: 100px; }"     "QAbstractItemView {selection-background-color: rgb(255, 174, 0);}"     "QToolButton::menu-indicator{ width: 50px;}"     "QToolButton::menu-indicator:pressed,"     "QToolButton::menu-indicator:open{ top:10px; left: 10px;}"     "QTableView { font: 30px; }"     "QSpinBox { width: 100px; font: 20px;}"     "QSpinBox::up-button { width:40px;}"     "QSpinBox::down-button { width:40px;}");

win phone 7.8

p.s. I don't seem to have any issue with updating of live tiles. The current apps that I have seem to be updating the tiles well.(Day Counter, gMaps and a few others. )   Just manually pushed the update to my Omnia W using Cab Sender tool. Usability is increased and the home screen appears bigger. Usability wise it's okay with one or two options here and there. The extra tile colors add a bit of freshness to the whole thing. So overall it's a good value add update.


About yourself Tell us something about yourself? Why are you looking for a new job? What are the factors in your current job that you think are limiting you? C Diff between pointer n reference? Can arithmetic be done with references? Give pointers details. Give function details. What are functions for memory allocation and de-allocation? Give malloc/free function example? Explain use of malloc with respect to 2D arrays. How to access 2D array elements initialized using pointer C++ What is difference between structure and class.(C++ structure and class!) Can struct have functions? (C++ structures) What access levels are available in structure? What access levels are available in class? Can a class element be initialized using pointer? How much space a class object takes when initialized with pointer? What is difference between overriding and overloading? Give example for overriding and overloading? Given two functions with same arguments but different return types, what will happ...

CV writing, or the art of selling yourself

Original Source: Over the last few months, a few friends have asked me for help in writing a CV and applying for a job. As a person who has interviewed dozens of candidates and reviewed hundreds of CV's, I think I can safely say I know what I'm looking for and I know what makes a great CV for me. Unfortunately, most people suck at writing CV's. If you want to make it easier for a hiring manager to think he should interview you, make sure you understand the importance of the CV. There are no rules for writing one, though the following rules guidelines should help you write a great CV. You are writing an ad. Not a CV. Your CV is the only thing a hiring manager knows about you. After reading your CV, he needs to be willing to invite you in for an interview, so make it easy for him to decide to do so. Advertise yourself! This means: Tell the hiring manager wh...

What's wrong with this postgreSQL

Recently I've stumbled upon a little problem with postgresql. I was working on a simple qt utility that would check if data is being continuously entered in one of the databases. So I set up a max time query and see if everything is fine. For normal scenarios the application worked fine. Then I started testing it for fail cases and there I observed a peculiar case. I truncated the respective table and wanted to see if my app would raise any exception or handle the situation. Funnily though I found out that my app was fetching data from a database that was seemingly empty. I was genuinely puzzled. I had truncated the table. Then I ran VACUUM on the table just to be sure. But the result was same. I restarted the server and tried the same situation. But result the same. Then I modified the database connection in the app and used my PC's IP 192.168.blah.blah. And I reran the app. Funnily enough the app stopped showing the ghost data and things worked out. I wondered what the he...