Qt app porting to Android
Part 1 development environment 1. Get MinGW gcc, android SDK, android NDK, jdk, ant, Qt android 5.2(latest at the time of writing this) Add paths to android sdk/bin, sdk/tools, ndk/bin, jdk/bin, ant main dir to PATH. Also define JAVA_HOME to jdk dir. 2. Run android SDK manager, get revision 16, with arm image. 3. Install Qt android, 4. Create AVD's, check if abi is shown as default/something. This default/ was added in latest revision of sdk, this causes built apps to not run in created AVD. on the net there are tools v22.3 available which will let us create AVD with plain armeabi without default/ prefix. There was a patch for Qt creator which should be available in qt-andrroid 5.3 onwards. 5. Start porting. Open pro file. And go to projects. Disable shadow build. Use correct kit. Try to build/ run it. 6. If your project links against any external lib, you are needed to do following steps. A. Build that lib using Qt-android's provided toolchain for arm. Next use Add library op...