Samsung Windows Phone Diagnosis App
Samsung ATIV S (Also work on Samsung Omnia W) ##MFG# displays (and installs) the "Diagnosis" app. ##3282# gives many alternatives to edit/read on another user's GT-I8750 Lots of options [from ##3282] on my SGH-T899M as well (different model ATIV S) Install diagnosis app via ##634# code and you type 3 digits starting with 15 (last digit doesn't matter) you will have access to hidden test menu... For example we can view Samsung ROM version (mine is I8750XXAMC1) Unfortunately [the user] couldn't take a screenshot while viewing that menu. Here are some codes for ATIV S, these are intended to be inserted in the Diagnostic Dialer Imei Number Prompt: *#06# Screen and vibration test menu: *#0*# Battery test menu: *#0228# Firmware version prompt: *#1234# FTA SW Version menu: *#1111# FTA HW Version menu: *#2222# FTA HW Version menu: *#8888# FTA SW Version menu: *#9999# Basic information Testmode menu: *#0011# Vibrations test menu...